Here’s what you WILL get:
  • French fry thievery and other potatoes
  • A Christmas in July gala
  • Humorous wardrobe mishaps and malfunctions
  • Strong female friendships
  • Blossoming bromances
  • Lots of feels
  • Kissing (and if you’re reading the spicy version, sex, including oral)
  • A guaranteed happy ending.

Here’s what you WON’T find:
  • Cheating
  • Anyone currently dying
  • Children or animals in peril
  • A third-act breakup.

That being said, there are a few other content notes, or warnings if you prefer that term, about topics you will find going forward in the book to help you know if it’s right for you either at this moment or at all. I’ve tried to be detailed with how much mention there is for those who need to know.
  • Parental (father) death due to skin cancer (recent past, not on the page, though the FMC is highly affected by it and it is mentioned several times throughout the story, though it’s a glossing over without specifics)
  • Brief mentions of the above cancer battle (no specifics as far as medical treatments beyond acknowledging they happened, nothing graphic or detailed)
  • Grief related to above death (it affected what the FMC has been able to do and enjoy, setting up the opening scenes of the story)
  • A heroine in the process of healing from the above (mentions of the deceased, remembering things, wondering how he’d react to certain current happenings in her life and if he’d like the MMC)
  • Mentions of deceased grandfather (FMC has healed from this)
  • Parental divorce (past, FMC has healed from this)
  • Absentee/uninvolved parents (current, MMC and FMC have accepted this)
  • Stress from paparazzi and the press (past mentions and current)
  • Visiting sick children in the hospital (no health specifics or interactions shown), and mentions of sick kids getting special experiences at the ballpark through a Make-A-Wish-type program (again no interactions shown)
  • Minor references to a side character’s past relationship making her self-conscious about food choices (the mentions don’t go deeper than that as this is not her story and is only seen from the outside)
  • Getting locked inside a large-ish room (no threat of peril, bodily or otherwise to the MMC. It is not a scary moment for the character.).

I have tried to be as thorough as possible regarding anything that could be triggering for various readers. If you come across any additional ones that I may have missed or feel the description of any of these could be improved, please don’t hesitate to reach out via my socials or through email (