About Rosalie

Rosalie Pease is the pen name of cozy mystery author Rosie Pease. A native Rhode Islander, Rosalie has also lived in Vermont, New York, and Ohio. She uses the places she’s traveled to as inspiration for the settings of her small town romances, pulling the theater from one, the cider mill from another, the river from another to create a fictitious town that feels familiar.

She collects Funko Pops of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Doctor Who, DC TV, and Marvel variety, with a few others thrown in for fun. Her desk is a mess, but she can find everything on it, so it works for her.

When she’s not writing, she’s playing with her daughter, hanging out with her husband, or being amused by her two crazy cats.

Contact Rosalie across social media or via email: author@rosaliepease.com.

My Own Romance

Mine is a romance sprung from an online dating site that introduced me to someone living just eleven miles away. We met on a Monday and three days later, I was heading to a book conference in Nashville. A few years later, I’d find out that his family thought this may have been my excuse to not have a second date, but we saw each other again the day after I got back, and the day after that, and the day after that, and well, two years into our relationship, he went with me to that same book conference and proposed on stage after the keynote address in front of a bunch of authors, book bloggers, and other industry professionals.


Mini-Editor earned this online moniker at a young age when during Rosalie’s editing sessions, ME would steal the clipboard holding the on-paper edits so she could “edit” them with crayons. Thankfully Rosalie could often still see her own edits under her daughter’s. ME now has her own clipboards but still can’t resist drawing on Mom’s papers.

And Don't Forget the Furry Editors

Jordy Purrson

Jordy Purrson

Line Editor
Aaron Pawgers

Aaron Pawgers


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